Pioneering the Future with Machine Learning Engineering


Khaled Yacoubi, a Senior Machine Learning Engineer at LVMH specializes in creating machine learning solutions that deliver actionable insights from customer data to craft personalized experiences, ready for deployment across LVMH’s Maisons.

Khaled facilitates theMLOps Framework, ensuring complex systems operate flawlessly in production. His work not only streamlines operations; it empowers teams to focus on strategic business outcomes—as demonstrated by his successful Beauty Tech project, presented at the LVMH Data Summit.

  • "One of the main challenges is to adapt to the luxury business and culture and approach it from a technical perspective."

    Khaled Yacoubi, Machine Learning Engineer at LVMH

Navigating the challenges of blending high tech with high fashion, Khaled continuously innovates to align emerging AI technologies with LVMH’s unique luxury culture. His efforts set new standards for personalized customer experiences within the sector, and make LVMH a leader in the intelligent application of machine learning. 

  • AI Explorers: Join Khaled for the next exciting Tech & Data revolution. #TechPartInOurFuture

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